Our Colony will be participating in the Rideau Area Spring Beaveree on May 15th, 2010 from 1PM to 4PM. There is NO rain date, but there will be indoor facilities in case of severe inclement weather.
What: Rideau Area Spring Beaveree 2010
Theme: Medieval
Where: Osgoode Village Park & Community Centre
5660 Osgoode Main Street
Directions here: http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=5660+Osgoode+Main+Street,+Ottawa,+Ontario&vps=2&sll=45.147109,-75.604263&sspn=0.006629,0.019205&g=5660+Osgoode+Main+Street,+Ottawa,+Ontario&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=5660+Osgoode+Main+St,+Ottawa,+Ottawa+Division,+Ontario+K0A+2W0
Date: Saturday, May 15th 2010
Time: The Beaveree runs from 1:00 PM to approximately 4:00 PM
Please arrive by 12:45 at the latest so that we can gather as a group, register as a group and enter as a group! Pickup time is 4:00 p.m. sharp.
Dress: Please dress for the weather, as the majority of the afternoon will be spent outside.
Food/Snack: Will be provided
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the increasing number of youth with allergies to nut products we ask you to please not bring any nut products in to the Beaveree. Parents of Youth with dietary allergies and/or concerns are responsible for what their child consumes. Address your concerns to your Colony Leaders prior to the event.