Friday, January 25, 2013

Beaveree heads up

Beaveree is tomorrow! that link for my original post with all the details.

The only part of our uniform required, is the necker. Please bundle your beaver up, and put the necker on the outside of their winter duds. Our unique maroon/grey necker will help your Beaver's leaders identify our otherwise unrecognizable collection of bundled up beavers. .......remember, this is a Beaveree, there will be beavers from all over the region in attendance.

Each participant must bring:

- a non-breakable mug/cup for juice
- an empty tissue or shoe box (Beavers only)
- indoor running shoes

WHY are these things necessary?

Non-breakable mug/cup: In order to put our promise into action, we will not have disposable cups on hand. By bringing a cup/mug, each participant will be helping to take care of the world by reducing waste.

Empty tissue/shoe box: If a Beaver doesn’t have a shoe box or Kleenex box, sadly, they will not be able to make the craft. The box is part of the craft, not a vessel to put the craft in. If any leaders have extra empty tissue boxes, it would be great if you could bring them in case some Beavers forget. Leaders can drop these off to me at the craft station during registration so you or the kids don’t have to carry them around all afternoon.

Indoor shoes: If the weather is too cold, we will hold the activities indoors. We will be playing active running games. Those without proper footwear will not be able to play, as they could get injured. Remind parents to have kids dressed for the weather even if it is very cold as we will try to have at least one (15-20 minute) station outdoors.