Saturday, November 7, 2009

Voyager Council Award

1st Manotick A Colony has been awarded the Voyageur Council Commissioner's Quality Award (Gold Level) for the 2008-2009 year. 

To be eligible for the Commissioner's Quality Award, a Colony must meet the following criteria (Our effort to meet the requirements for the 2009-2010 year are in blue!):
  • The Colony maintains an average attendance of 80% at its weekly meetings.  (So far so good for this year!  We are avereaging 91% attendance.)
  • The Colony attends at least one Area or Council-wide program activity during the year (eg. Beaveree, hike, camp, sleepover)  (Done! - All Sections Activity Day - but many more are planned!)
  • The Colony participates in five field trips during the year, two of which must feature the outdoors.  (Our first feild trip to No'Chimik was cancelled due to weather.  We may need to make this up!)
  • The Colony includes a spiritual element in at least 75% of its meetings. These activities may include an opening or closing prayer, use of the promise, law and motto, a Scouter's Five, Scouts Own or participation is a special service at their place of worship.  (Done at every meeting so far!)
  • The Colony participates in Apple Day or Popcorn or Scoutrees with 75% attendance.  (50% praticipation on Apple Day - 89% particiation in Popcorn)
  • At least one member of the Leadership Team holds current Standard First Aid accreditation. (We all have the necessary accreditation)
  • The Colony maintains written, up-to-date records on attendance membership, dues and finances. (Yes we do!)
  • Colony, as a whole, participates in at least one linking activity with a Cub Pack, and Senior Beavers to participate in at least 3 additional activities with a Cub Pack. (All Section Activity Day counts - but others are planned!)
  • 50 % percent of all registered leaders have received their Wood Badge Part 1 recognition for Colony.  (7 of 8 leaders have WB1)
  • A member of the Colony Leadership Team attends all Group Committee meetings.  (So far so good)
  • The Leadership Team has a long-range (one year) program plan. A copy of the plan is presented to The Group Commissioner at the beginning of the scouting year and shall include: one fully-planned meeting, the total number of meetings and themes for the year, an indication of how responsibilities are shared at the planning meetings and methods used to ensure youth input in formulating the plan.  (Done!)
Thanks to all on the leadership team for your help and efforts in achieving this level of quality!  We are also well on our way to maintaining this level for the 2009-2010 year!