Monday, May 13, 2013

2013 Beavers. Remaining meetings/events.

He Everyone. Three marquee events ( +one more regular meeting in the Gym) remaining on the 2013 beaver calendar. I need your help pulling together all the details to get our Colony fully registered an accounted for at each of these events. ........Please email me your reply to the yellow highlighted sections below. Thank you :)

Tuesday May 14 - Regular meeting in our Gym. Well, outside of our Gym if possible. If the weather participates we'll be out back having fun in the schoolyard. If it's unseasonably cool, we'll have our last regular meeting in the Gym.

Tuesday May 21 - End of year Pizza Party, at Funahaven :) Details to follow.

Wednesday May 22 - 1st Manotick "Swim Up" ceremony, at Claudette Cain Park. This is an annual event, to recognize the youth as they 'swim up' to the next level of scouting. Some of our white tail beavers will be 'swimming up' and joining Cub packs in the fall, this is where that happens. You'll spot more info on the 1st Manotick group site by clicking here.

Needed - If your son is planning on attending Cub's in the fall, please let me know ASAP (Early registration forms will be available shortly). As parents and siblings are invited to attend Swim Up as well (Free bbq!) we need a headcount. Please let me know how many in total from your family will be attending Swim Up on the 22nd.

May 24, 25, 26 - All Sections Camp. - Only one of our five leaders are confirmed available for this full weekend event .....and that would be me (Dan). The show will go on, but as we are short leadership coverage, it will be mandatory for this event that a parent attends with their Beaver. It is worth noting that it is extremely rare for beavers to attend with out a parent even with full leadership coverage, so only one leader should not change much for this weekend. You have the option to arrive on Friday night, or Saturday morning. Details posted here.

Needed - Please RSVP to me via email with: Your (Accompanying parent's) full name. Your Beavers full name. Your planned arrival date (Either Friday or Saturday).

With these events planned, this will wrap up our 2013 A Colony beaver session.  .......what a lot of fun we've had :)