We've been pretty busy, and we've got some awesome things planned to do before our holiday break. For now, just a couple of quick bullets to keep things running smoothly.
- Please make sure that your Beaver's name is clearly written on all parts of their uniform.
- On arrival, please double check to see if your kiddo needs a 'bio break' before signing in. There are bathrooms just to the right of the gym ........we only have one quick hour, and one child's pee break turns into half a colony of "me too's" that follow along also.
- Outdoor shoes/boots vs. proper indoor footwear. Please ensure that your beaver has proper indoor shoes so that he can keep up and stay safe during our meetings. We play games, and keep pretty busy most nights. When the snow flies, please change shoes in the foyer.
- Last but not least, please subscribe to this blog (Link at the bottom of every post). This blog is the #1 way to stay current and informed, email updates via subscription will keep you keep up to date.