Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 9 - Movie Night!!

Hello Folks, tonight is the second half of our annual 'transportation night' theme, that we do with all local beaver colonies combined.

We're having a 'drive in' movie tonight together with all the other beaver colonies. D Colony is hosting, we will be meeting in the St. Francis Xavier Catholic High School Gym (That's "St FX" for short). This is the high school just on the other side of Spratt and Limebank Roads. Popcorn and drinks will be provided.

What to Bring: Brown and Blue tails made cardboard vehicles last week, and they are encouraged to bring those tonight to sit in and enjoy the show. If our White tails want to raid the black box and bring a box to sit in as well, that is awesome too. If you don't have a box to sit in, just bring a blanket or pillow to sit on to make the gym floor that much more comfortable.

See you at St. FX tonight!!

(Never been to St. FX? When dropping off your beaver just head to the back corner of the parking lot around to the left of the school, by the portables. Go in that door, and take your first left. The gym is down this hall, on the right.)

One last thing, don't forget that the Spring Beaveree is on the 27th, more info here. I need final numbers tonight, to RSVP for the event. Sign up is on the clipboard.